Science & Pintjes: Antwerp - 10 June 2017
Would you like to know how Game Theory applies to human behaviour? Did you know that we can print electronic circuits using materials based on graphene? Can we use physics to model international conflicts?
All these questions and more will be answered during the second Science and Pintjes event organized by CEBE, Científicos Españoles en Bélgica/Spanish Scientists in Belgium, a science outreach event in a bar, with a relaxed atmosphere and beers/drinks.
The talks will be in English.
Join us on Saturday June 10th at 18.00h in Café Sous-sol (Kaasstraat 4, 2000 Antwerpen)
18.00h – Opening doors and presentation of the organization (Beatriz Domínguez – president of SSBE)
18.30h – First talk: “Why do we cooperate with each other? – the Game Theory inside”, by Jelena Grujic
19.00h – Second talk: “From Gutenberg’s printing press to modern inks”, by Nerea Bilbao
19.15h – Third talk: “When the friend of your friend is your enemy: Physics and International relationships”, by Andrés M. Belaza
19.45h – More beer and discussion
21.00h – End of the event
Jelena Grujic is a physicist working in Game Theory, Complex Networks and Complex systems in general. She is specialized in running large scale game theory experiment with human subjects. She is working at Vrije Universiteit Brussel and previously she was a postdoc at Imperial College London. She did her PhD at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. She has extensive experience in public speaking and science communication, which includes participating in FameLab, leading physics department at Petnica Science Centre (Serbia), organizing Science Festival in Belgrade (Serbia) and numerous other public talks and trainings.
Nerea Bilbao obtained her PhD at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain) in Organic Chemistry. After that, she moved to Belgium to work as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the KU Leuven, where she is currently exploring new and exciting two-dimensional materials, similar to graphene, and their chemistry using microscopes that allow mapping single atoms.
Andrés M. Belaza is a PhD student in UGent, in the department of Physics and Astronomy and the department of General Economics. The work of his group is about the use of video-games to extract information of the Social and Economics behaviour. In particular, with a Physics background, he is trying to model international relationships as a thermodynamic system.