Webinar 2 - "Scientific illustration : the artistic side of science"

23 June 2020

The second webinar of the science communication cycle organized by CEBE is here. In the first webinar, we discovered the profile of the science communicator... but maybe you don't like being in front of a camera or speaking in public. You may like to develop your artistic side while sharing your scientific knowledge. That is why CEBE is launching this second webinar presenting the world of scientific illustration.

We will have with us three professional scientific illustrators (Cirenia Arias, Gil Costa and Miriam Rivera) who will share their experience with us, how they discovered their passion, what attitudes are necessary to be a good scientific illustrator and if we are lucky we may see some of their work...

Don't miss it! You can do your registration in the following link : 


Tuesday June 30th, 18.30 - Zoom Platform.

Language: English