Science and Pintjes: Brussels
Here it is the second edition of Science & Pintjes Brussels!!!
Did you know that we can make (low-cost) organic solar cells out of plastic? Would you like to know about one of the most fascinating particles in nature? Why the number pi appear the proportions of ancient buildings?
All these questions and more will be answered during the second Science and Pintjes event organized by CEBE/SSBE, Científicos Españoles en Bélgica/Spanish Scientists in Belgium, a science outreach event in a bar, with a relaxed atmosphere and beers/drinks.
The talks will be in English.
Join us on Saturday September 23rd at 18.00h in the bar of Instituto Cervantes (Avenue Louise 140, 1050 Bruxelles)
18.00h – Opening doors and presentation of the organization (Beatriz Domínguez – president of SSBE)
18.30h – First talk: “When life give you plastic, make solar cells”, by Maxime Defour
19.00h –: “Science Show’’, by Daniel Pérez
19.15h – Second talk: “Detecting the nearly undetectable: neutrinos”, by Nils van Dessel
19.45h – More beer and discussion
21.00h – End of the event
Maxime Defour studied chemical engineering and material science at “Université Libre de Bruxelles” and “Vrije Universiteit Brussels” where he graduated in 2013. His love for science pushed him to pursue a PhD in the field of polymers commonly called plastics. In parallel to his PhD, he followed a master in management and economy at “Solvay Brussels School”. Aside from its studies, Maxime is involved in multiple projects and associations; “B-scholarship” aims helping students to study and get an experience abroad, “Carpe Marem” is a project which consists in raising funds around a sportive project (swimming the English Channel).
Daniel Pérez does a PhD in Physics at KULeuven about superconducting materials and he is a passionate of science communication. He popularizes science by using a blog, a YouTube channel, Twitter and Facebook. He also does stand up scientific comedy and was the first Audience Award winner of FameLab Belgium 2015.
Nils Van Dessel studies physics and astronomy at Ghent University where he graduated in 2014. Since then, he has been active as a PhD student at the department of Physics and Astronomy.. As part of the research group on theoretical nuclear and statistical physics, he works on the theoretical modelling of neutrino-argon interactions.
When life give you plastic, make solar cells
By Maxime Defour
This presentation will explain what a plastic solar cell is and how useful it can be in our everyday life. On top of that, an introduction on the research regarding the morphology of the layer generating the electricity will be introduced since this morphology has a direct impact on the properties of the solar cell.
Detecting the nearly undetectable: neutrinos
By Nils van Dessel
Neutrinos are some of the most fascinating particles known to physicists, but research on them is marred by the fact that they are extremely hard to detect. From the moment that Pauli theorized the existence of the electron neutrino (“I have done a terrible thing, I have postulated a particle that cannot be detected”) until today’s research on behaviour beyond the Standard Model, these mysterious particles have led the way for decades of important research. In this talk, we take a look at the neutrino’s fascinating properties and in particular the role that neutrino-nucleus interactions play in modern research.